Clear water, clear facts: The truth about tap water in Berlin

With 3.8 million residents, Berlin is not only the capital of Germany but also the most populous city in the EU. Per capita, Berliners consume a total of 113 liters of drinking water per year. At the same time, some major industrial enterprises, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, are located in Berlin. Can the water in Berlin be truly consumed without concerns?
The quality of the drinking water supply in Berlin
Clean drinking water is crucial for health. Contact with contaminated water can quickly lead to gastrointestinal problems or allergic reactions. Therefore, the “Berliner Wasserbetriebe” continuously monitor and test the quality of drinking water to ensure that it complies with the strict requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance.
Where does the drinking water in Berlin come from?
The tap water in Berlin mainly comes from groundwater sources and is delivered to the citizens after thorough purification and treatment. The water hardness varies depending on the district – depending on where you live, you can check the hardness of your tap water on the website of the “Berliner Wasserbetriebe”. Water quality is regularly checked through water analyses to ensure compliance with the limits set by the Drinking Water Ordinance.
However, it is possible for bacteria, chemicals, or other contaminants to occur in drinking water. Particularly, house connection lines and house installations, for which landlords are responsible, may release impurities into the drinking water due to inadequate maintenance. This includes, in particular, lead from old pipes or copper and nickel from new installations that the drinking water can absorb on its way to the tap. To ensure the quality of your drinking water, you can easily check it with a water test.
Clear facts about water quality in Berlin
The “Berliner Wasserbetriebe” ensure that the drinking water meets legal limits and is regularly tested for contaminants. In addition, there are numerous options for city residents to have their tap water tested and to obtain information about water hardness and water composition. Nevertheless, questions about the quality of drinking water should be raised, especially concerning older buildings and apartments, as lead or copper pipes may be present, releasing impurities into the water. Overall, it should be noted that those living in or visiting Berlin can use tap water without any concerns. It's no coincidence that the drinking water quality in Berlin ranks second nationwide.
Picture by Florian Wehde on Unsplash
- Tags: Trinkwasser